Christine Aurich is head of the EU-insemination and embryo transfer station of the Veterinary University of Vienna (Austria) and director of the Graf Lehndorff Institute for Equine Science, Neustadt/Dosse (Germany).

C.AurichProf. Dr. Christine Aurich
Veterinaerplatz 1
A-1210 Wien
Tel.: 0043 (0) 1 25077 6400
Fax: 0043 (0) 1 25077 5491
c h r i s t i n e [PUNKT] a u r i c h [ÄT] v e t m e d u n i [PUNKT] a c [PUNKT] a t

Donaufischer is available for breeding through the EU-insemination and embryo transfer station of the Veterinary University of Vienna (Austria) via Frozen Semen (TG). Semen can be shipped all over Europe and abroad. Mares can also be inseminated at the breeding station in Vienna.

The station uses the Internet Mating of the United livestock information systems (Vereinigte Informationssysteme Tierhaltung = VIT) and the Trakehner Verband. This is available to all active registered breeding mares with disclosure of their registration/ID number (Lebensnummer). This way the cover data are available automatically and the breeding certificates do not have to be sent by post.

Before ordering the semen the cover note and the ID number are required, also the finding of the veterinary swab sample and the data (name, address) of the insemination veterinarian / the insemination center for the shipment of semen.

See for more information: Ordering of Semen

At the beginning of the breeding season mares should be subjected to a breeding mares fitness test. This includes the complete morphological examination of the genitals externally accessible, palpation and ultrasound examination of the reproductive tract and the swab sampling and testing for conditionally pathogenic germs. By the report including complete diagnosis, the chances of pregnancy and birth of a foal can be better estimated.

Basically, the swab sample for all mares makes sense. Maiden mares and mares with foals at foot may be excluded from the examination. In practice, however, has shown that often microbes were detected.


For mares, the EU-Insemination and Embryo Transfer  Station of  the Veterinary University of Vienna offers a comprehensive service. From the preliminary investigation as the mare breeding soundness examination and swab taking to the care of the horses while in heat, intensive care of mares with fertility problems, including follicle ultrasound to determine the optimum time for insemination, pregnancy examination up to birth monitoring and obstetrics.

For stallions, the station offers complete breeding soundness examinations and all services for artificial insemination including the production of frozen semen.

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